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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Summer plans (per June 15th). Yes- feeling quite ambitious, I selected all of these fabulous books to read:
Summer reality:

Truthfully, this is what I have been into for June and July! But, in my defense, summer is the time to work on ourselves- is it not? Don't teachers spend all year putting themselves last? So, I am pretty excited about the work I have done- I am on the pathway to adopting a vegan lifestyle (I have wanted this for YEARS) and I am super proud of myself!
My goal is to get off of the medications I am on (cholesterol, daily migraine preventive(s) and sleep aids) and to eat clean and love all animals and the earth. If I lose weight in the process- BONUS!
So, if you have wondered where I have been, I am on an incredible journey toward health and happiness!
That being said, August is right around the corner and it is nearing time to focus on my personal summer PD. More later or sooner!