First- get 10 cards in a row of a counting sequence, for each row of play you want (one is easiest, two mamma bear, and three papa bear, if you get what I mean). And grab a card that is zero and the 100 card. I have a deck of 0 to 100 cards but you can make a set just for this game on card stock.
I played counting backwards Zero and 100, so I put up the top number of each counting row. Of course your starting card can be the lowest number in that sequence of 10 cards if you are playing counting up!
I actually had the cards in order of counting back but facing down so I could explain to the girls what order the cards should be in when the game is done, and to practice the counting back sequences once before playing. As we practiced the sequence I showed the girls each card and they could see what the finished game board would look like (but the zero and 100 cards would be off to the side when the game is over).
Then I left the three starting numbers face up and shuffled the rest of the cards. I replaced them in any order because they were shuffled. I hope this is all making sense to you!
This is what the game looks like before anyone starts-
The first player chooses any face down card- turns it over, reads the number and tries to figure out where it goes. As you can see my three counting back numbers are 97, 82, and 66. All of these cross over a decade so when a child picks the number 71, it is not always obvious which row it belongs in!
Oh- should I say these are first graders playing? Of course any students needing the practice will find this fun.
So, when you place your card where it goes, you pick up the card that was in that spot and figure out where that card goes. With each new card I have the student practice counting back through the entire row. Very few kids resist this and try to count up from a card that is face up. Your turn is over when you pick up the zero card or the 100. Then it's the next players turn.
Your turn can also be over when you place a card in an empty spot and there is nothing to pick up. Two ways to end your turn! Some turns are very long, some turns are very short. Kids love this game and ask to play it again and again. The last person to place the last card where it goes in the sequence is the winner!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask and watch the video on my FB page!