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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Number Words Chart

My students and I are working hard to make gains in the quality of writing in their math journals (or notebooks). I am looking for better/deeper explanation of mathematical thinking as they write about their problem solving strategies. Not just "I found it by adding 3 + 5", but rather, "Because it says she "found more," I know her pile of marbles got bigger so I added. This focus on improved explaining with words, has resulted in some students wanting to write "three plus five" thinking that is better than 3 + 5. Well, at least they are working on changing something! As a result my students ask me how to spell every number word. When I tell them to "sound it out" I find that number words are not the easiest to sound out! Hence I created a Free Number Word Reference Chart to put in my math tubs to give students a tool to spell with, and to free me up for more conferencing on verbalizing their math ideas and then writing them down to explain. I hope you can use it!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Counting Intervention for Students in 2nd and 3rd Grades

After a full month of school, I have been challenged by a handful of students in grades second and third who do not have the counting sequence secure. Most students can count up to 10 and back, but going through the teens is troublesome. A few have up to 20 and back but I have noticed the most commonly skipped teen in their sequence is 13. "Pooooooor 13!" we cry as they count and I write what they say.  And some falter when counting up to 30 and back, often skipping 20. "23, 22, 21, 19,,,"
For struggling students, this is a lengthy pattern to remember, this I know. And when counting our pattern doesn't normally start with zero. So it does make a bit of sense that students successfully count from 1 to 19 and forget what I call, "twenty-zero," and go straight to 21. Though not as big of a mistake counting up, skipping the decade happens more frequently counting back. "34, 33, 32, 31, 29, 28, 27..." Other than practice, practice, practice, I have taught some students to say "thirty-zero" and then we giggle and laugh and I ask them, "What number is thirty-zero really?" And when we continue to count back we are sure to count back all the way to zero. Zero has to be included in our pattern!
If you need counting up and back practice, I have created some short pages with many uses. I hope you find them useful!
For The Great Count ON, click below:
Counting on Practice from Any Number
For The Great Count BACK, click below:
Counting Back Practice Pages
Have a GREAT week!