First, it is all about the relationships. I started out the project reaching out to fifth, fourth and third graders that I knew were at or above level and who I thought might want to do extra math on top of the regular classroom curriculum and homework. I was hoping that this project would catch on like a forest fire and I'd have a line of kids waiting for my half-page extra math sheets. I think it is called delusions of grandeur. Anyway, I was wrong about that but I do have two students in the project. What now?
From the beginning when I reached out to about a dozen kids, I am left with just two kiddos in second grade who are interested in continuing with my extra math sheets. That's not all bad. My goal was just one. Still, not the quiet storm I was originally hoping for. These two young ladies are in the classroom where I team teach so we have a strong relationship and they aim to please! The others don't really have access to me every day and I am already about 30 minutes short of the planning I am entitled to so I don't go hunt down the others for our 5 minutes of daily enrichment. My fault entirely.
The second reason my project was not as I had hoped is that maybe my stuff was not 'all that'. I still believe I might have been able to continue the project with some other students had my programming been more interesting. I had been giving the students geometry challenges and maybe they just weren't interesting enough.
I have decided to keep with these two ladies in my class and try once again to pull in two students from the very next room that have the potential to want what I have for them. I am going to turn to mysteries. I have a set of math mysteries and I will see if these will be more stimulating to them than the researched based geometry I had started with.
Wish me luck and stay tuned!

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